What is the name of your business?
What is the formation of your business (sole prop, llc, corp., partnership)?
Is your company registered and if so, in what state?
Are you a non-profit?
Please list all owners & corresponding background for each (be as descriptive as possible or attach a resume)
Please list all business locations and facilities?
If you are an existing business, please provide information about the history of your company
What products or services are you selling? (be as descriptive as possible)
What is the cost to create each product or service?
What is the selling price of each product or service?
What are your projected sales for the product and service?
Please list any future products you have planned
Who is your target market? What geographic areas do you service?
How many customers do you expect to attain or items do you expect to sell in the next year?
Do you have employees? Or will you have employees? If so, please provide any payroll and benefit information.
Are you seeking investment financing, grants or business loans? If so what type of funding are you seeking and how much.
What is the purpose of your funding?
How much cash does your company require to start? What is your monthly overhead (rent, utilities, insurance, etc)?
Does your business own any assets? If so, what is the value of the assets?
How much of your own capital will you be putting torwards your business?
All business plans are delivered in PDF and Word version. We also provide printed, color copies of your business plan for an additional fee. Please choose a printing option below.
How did you find us?
Any additional comments?
Please provide any additional information that may be relevant in assessing the work necessary to complete your business plan.
Please upload any information that may be relevant in assessing the work necessary to complete your business plan.
This information will help us to get started on forming your business plan. We can work with whatever you provide but of course, the more prepared information you have, the quicker we can complete your plan.
Once you submit this document, we will provide a detailed proposal that confirms the flat fee and timeline.